Oh wowza- the day is here! From what started as a flippant idea, 12 months ago, to a few mood-boards, & blood, sweat and tears later, Luna Loves London has launched today & I’m just SO excited & proud to finally be sharing with you my new clothing & accessories brand, that will run alongside my makeup business!
As you probably know, it’s been the toughest year for the wedding & the makeup industry, so I knew 12 months ago, I HAD to put my focus & what energy I had left into something I’ve only dreamed of doing, as within a blink of an eye, I realised I couldn’t rely souly on my face to face services, god forbid anything like this happened again.
My brides have always been in the forefront of my mind this past year, every single day, & I have created this brand for you, with you in mind. So now, I just hope & pray you love it as much as I do!!
My first product is available tonight! (PINCH ME!) it’s baby steps right now, but I have so many ideas and products in mind that I will be sharing in the coming weeks & months. Do go & follow us on Instagram & Facebook as I will be sharing lots of inspiration, & future sneak peaks on there! Of corse, if you share any photos of you wearing LLL purchases, I'd absolutely LOVE to see them, so please tag us!
I am officially financially & mentally exhausted, but I want to thank those who have supported me thus far, with Jessica Ava Makeup Artist, & would be so appreciative of your support going forward with her new baby sister...
nervous/relieved/happy me x